Monday, November 28, 2011

thanksgiving weekend.

we had a great thanksgiving!  
brenner's family drove in and we held thanksgiving here at our house.  
it was so great to not have to travel anywhere!!!
brenner deep-fried our turkey (you non-texans may not know that texans deep-fry anything, including our holiday favorites) and i must say it was tasty. 
here is a picture of the bird straight from the fryer. 
cole and i had made placecards for everyone.  it took a long time but we had fun doing it!
anything involving stickers is fun!

we ate a lot, watched a lot of football and squeezed in a family photo (not everyone was in the photo, just brenner's immediate family for his mom's christmas card)
let me just say that white is not flattering to a pregnant girl.  it adds 10 pounds.  to my additional 26.  not pretty.  and my hair was weird. but overall it turned out pretty well. 

here is a zoomed in shot of my baby.
(see that large mark on his forehead?  it is an imprint from his uncle's boot.  and cole fell on the boot, his uncle did not kick him in the head)

brenner also hung the lights on the house, put up the tree and put all the lights on the tree.  
we decorated the tree as a family, which is one of my favorite holiday traditions.  
bring on christmastime!!!

1 comment:

  1. mmmm deep fried turkey...the only way, in my opinion, turkey should be prepared
