today is easter and wow has it ever been a wild and wonderful day.
it was touch and go for a while if we were ever going to get out the door with all 3 kids.
my grandma, aunt, dad, mother in law and brother in law all went to church with the kids and i and the house was a little crazy as we all got ready to leave.
but despite it all, i got to spend a few moments by myself with my bible.
never mind the fact that i was pumping at the same time.
(multi-tasking is a mom's middle name!)
i knew that i needed to let go my preconceived notions of the perfect easter pictures, easter baskets, easters outfits, easter lunch and all the other things that really don't matter on this day. instead, i needed to focus on Christ. about who this day is all about. i read out of the book of matthew about Christ's resurrection and i prayed that the truth of His life, death, and resurrection would be proclaimed this morning in church. i prayed for my family that their hearts would be touched.
and as i sat in church and sang about Christ conquering death and his taking our sin as his own,
i held my baby and was full of emotion.
i don't thank Christ enough for his taking the sins of my children.
why does that not impact me more on a daily basis?
what in the world could be more important than thanking Him for not only the gift of life for me, but for my kids?
Christ died for me. He died for my kids.
i cannot thank Him enough for giving my children the gift of salvation.
it was a wonderful easter and i will post more pictures tomorrow but for now, take a moment and thank Jesus Christ for dying for you and your family. and more importantly, rising from the grave and conquering death, sin and hell so that we can have eternal life with Him.