Tuesday, July 3, 2012

little man in the spotlight.

my sweet and wild cole.  
what an incredible joy you are to our lives.
and what an incredible ball of energy you are.
seriously, this kid. never. stops.
i know you expect this of toddlers, but when sunday school teachers who have taught for a couple of decades, and mothers of 6 children and preschool teachers all tell you, 'wow, he has a lot of energy', that says something
but we love this little guy more than life itself and he is teaching us to be better parents and better people every day.  
cole is quite verbal, shocking since he has such quiet parents.....  
here are some of the funny things and situations that have made us laugh recently. 

around easter, we talked a lot about Jesus and his rising from the grave to conquer death.  we talked about the cross, and some about his death, but mostly focused on christ's rising.  so i thought that i would teach cole the phrase 'christ is risen!' to say on easter and to tell people about the true meaning of easter.  so, we practiced a lot and around easter we used the phrase 'christ is risen!' a lot.  then after easter, it came up a few times but much less frequently.  i did notice it was often around lunch but didn't think much about it.  then one day, i pulled out some craisins to put on my salad and cole saw and yelled out, 'cole wants some christ is risens!'  it took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about.
apparently, cole thinks that craisins, which i guess was my snack of choice around easter, are actually called 'christ is risen'.
i am so glad that understands the true meaning of easter.
a couple of weeks ago we went for a family walk after dinner and i pointed to the sky and said 'cole, look at those big clouds.'  he responded 'actually, mama, they're beautiful'.  

we don't let cole play with coins because they are considered a choking hazard and i had a friend whose son swallowed a penny which was pretty scary.  they are one of the things that i have deemed 'a choking hazard'.  but he does like to look at them and he knows what a piggy bank is.  the other day he saw a couple of coins and i could tell he was struggling to find the right words to say as he thoughtfully compiled a sentence of 'mama, i put the choking hazards in a guinea pig'.  hmmmmm....couldn't quite find the right words.  
no one else would know that translates to coins in a piggy bank.  
he makes us laugh as he is constantly recounting past events and talking about things from last week and even last fall.  his memory is amazing!  i am in awe of his long sentences and how he sounds so grown up.  
last summer he would say 'day-day' for dangerous when we saw a fire extinguisher and last night when we were grilling out, he turned to brenner and said, 'that fire is very dangerous daddy, cole can't touch it because it's too dangerous'.  

he is also pretending a lot more and since going to several baylor baseball games, he has been pretending that he is a baseball player.  while eating breakfast yesterday, he was swinging his spoon around and when i asked him to stop he said, 'mama, i  am swinging the bat really hard and am hitting the ball really far past the camera and the fence'.
when we were working on our shapes puzzle, he picked up the circle and told me, 'that's a circle, not an octagon.  octagons have 8 sides, murray taught me that.'  
thank you sesame street.  i had no idea he had picked that up!

we also says 'watch this!' and 'look at me!' moments.  
someone likes to be the star of the show!
here are some other things that my boy knows and will tell you all about:
he can count to 18
he knows his birthday
he knows brenner's cell phone number
he knows he lives in waco, texas
he knows most of his letters, and when singing the alphabet song, says 'm and m oh me' instead of l m n o p
he knows all his shapes and colors
knows he is 2 years old
he is learning right and left.  
sings jesus loves me.
can tell you all about noah and moses.  

he loves all things construction, trucks, cars, trains, planes and boats.  he never misses anything interesting on the road!  
elmo has taken a backseat to mickey these days, but he still likes sesame street.
loves all animals.
loves to help daddy work outside and mommy cook in the kitchen. 
so there is a little bit about our boy!  sorry to go on and on about him, but this is my blog and i will do whatever i want :)
we love our little man more than anything and are so proud of the sweet, energetic boy that he is!

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