Friday, August 27, 2010

a night away.

so tonight i had a much needed night out by myself.  i needed to go out and piddle around the town and shop by myself.  i have to get these times away every so often otherwise i go crazy.  i had a lovely time with me and found several goodies on sale.  then i went to panera where i had a totally girly dinner of salad and green tea and rounded it off with a totally ungirly chocolate malt from sonic.  good times.  

but before i went out, cole and i had some picture time.  he has recently found the door stop near the front door and is obsessed with making it spring back and forth.  he will sit there for 10 minutes playing with it.
brenner and i also use water bottles all the time and cole now totally freaks out when we have one and won't give it to him.  i gave in this afternoon and he threw it around happily as well as gummed it profusely trying to get the water out of it. 

goofy boy.  



  1. YAY for a girly night out!!! You DO deserve it!

  2. i hear ya sister mama! I'm the same way i love to take my time and piddle shop and just be alone and do what I WANT TO DO :)
    glad you had some of that...i may drive and trek to tARget today just to do the same thing.
    we'll see....:)
    love, ejw
