Wednesday, August 15, 2012

6 months....seriously?

i truly cannot believe these little beauties are half a year old.  
i mean, that is crazy.  i only have 35 more half years with them before they turn 18 and go off to college!!!  that's not a lot of time....i'm not ready for college!
ok, freak out over.  
but seriously, i am amazed that we are here, surviving and a daresay thriving at times.  
there are some days when i think to myself, 'yeah, i totally got this.'  but honestly there are times when i just feel like it is too much.  
things seem to be getting harder since the girls are awake so much more than when they were little and they both want me all. the. time.  
they both want to be held by me all. the. time.
that makes doing things like, i don't know, cooking dinner, showering, going to the bathroom, really easy and fun.  
i am never without a child.
most days, we make it work and i seriously take advantage of every nap time (which is treasured since all the kids nap at the same time most days) and really plan ahead. 
and i am ssoooo thankful that brenner works from home.  he is able to come and help way more than most dads gets to during the day and those little moments of support are so helpful.  
but some days it is draining.  
i long to have an evening where brenner and i can sit down and watch an episode of psych and eat ice cream without interruption.  without holding babies, feeding babies or burping babies.  just sit there and read blogs (oh, it has been ssoooo long since i have read anyone else's blog!) and just relax.

and i know the day will come when we will have our grown up time again.  
we will get to go out on a date.  
we will eat a meal in peace without shoveling our food in our mouths like encino man or tom hanks after living on a desert island.  
i will not always be waking up at 2:00 to pump milk.
i am trying not to be selfish.
i am trying to treasure every moment.

i keep reminding myself that i don't want to just survive the first year, i want to enjoy it and treasure it and savor each baby moment.  
i truly am so thankful for these babies.  
my angels, my miracles.
and we truly are doing better than i thought we would.  
i am proud of the fact that i cook dinner most nights, that we find time each day for our family Bible reading, that i make it out of the house to run errands with the kids by myself, that i get to run each morning (and always come back :) ), that i find time to do crafts with cole and even get crafty myself sometimes. 

we are making it. and we love our little twinsies.

clara beth's 6 month stats:
12 lbs 2 oz
24 inches
no teeth
sitting by herself
mama lover
big time paci stealer
loves her cow blanket
likes to observe people
loves to belly laugh, especially at brother
loves to grab mama's face and run it up against hers

 elise's 6 month stats:
11 lb 4 oz
23 1/2 inches
sits by herself
loves her frog blanket
loves mama's hair
big smiler
biggest drooler ever
rolls everywhere
nickname: lil bit
likes to laugh at daddy

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