Tuesday, August 30, 2011

back to school.

cole started MDO today.  we decided to put him in two days a week this year, which was a great decision since i now dread running errands with him.  i am already trying not to carry him so much and just lifting him in and out of the car is so tiring.  so this gives me time to get lots done without him.  
anyway, here he is when we are leaving for school.  i made him wear his backpack for a minute and he kept trying to take it off and tell me it was heavy.  
clearly we need to start weight training. 

so in my 5 1/2 hours without my little man, i ran ten errands, watched two episodes of Alias, and ate 6 cookies without interruption.  it was glorious.  it has been a long time since i have had a good amount of time to myself (other than when i am sleeping which is usually interrupted by the babies anyways).  

cole only napped for 45 minutes at MDO, so i put him back down at 3:30.  i decided to lay down too.  i woke up at 5:27.  we were supposed to meet dinner with friends at 5:30.  
i guess cole and i both were worn out after our day of play. 
it was a good day.


  1. YAY for MDO!!! Cilla starts tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited! Last week, our friend living with us kept Cilla for an hour and a half for me and I ran 6 errands! SIX! I haven't been that productive in over 2 1/2 years! It was glorious! Cole looks so stink'in cute with his backpack!
